
Post haste definition
Post haste definition

post haste definition

1946 Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Ch.

post haste definition

2021 If steady, mature Gerald Ford succumbed to haste when his presidency was on the line, imagine what Donald Trump will do. posthaste ( not comparable) quickly, as fast as someone travelling post with great speed It is imperative that you finish your task posthaste. 2021 These Green New Deals and Green Revolutions are increasingly being seen as the only solution to meeting the climate, corona and credit crises at the scale and haste that science and justice require. 2022 Amanda, who went placidly amid the noise and haste up until that point, freaks out and throws a glass at Hannah. Lisa Rein And Yeganeh Torbati, Anchorage Daily News, 25 Aug. 2022 But haste and carelessness in crafting the aid created a wellspring for fraud and waste - a mess that hundreds of federal investigators are still trying to clean up. Brendan Mcaleer, Car and Driver, 17 Nov. Verb Should this pocket-size French import be legal to park in your driveway, make all haste to bid. 2022 The tech industry’s slowness to diversify its workforce in the best of times and its haste to cut promised diversity initiatives in the worst has likely eroded any trust communities of color may have had in the industry’s commitments to creating equitable and inclusive organizations. Tony Romm, Anchorage Daily News, 20 Dec.


2023 The lumbering Senate looked to move with uncharacteristic haste after congressional leaders released the full bill in the early hours of the morning, capping off months of intense talks. displays significant promise, and those with the power to do so should pursue them as a potential antibody treatment for the future with haste. 2023 That being said, the panel of antibodies by Zhou et al. 2023 Even the organized team celebrations in the end zone after finishing drives has been done with haste. 2022 Some in Samandag felt that the cleanup effort was being carried out with unnecessary haste to coincide with a pivotal Turkish election next month. Danielle Walker, a Democrat, expressed outrage at West Virginia’s haste in terminating parental rights and said the Legislature needed to conduct an intensive study to look at termination and related issues. 2023 In response to ProPublica and NBC News’ findings, state Del. 2023 Yes, the shorthand originates with, or comes out of, haste. Noun Mora fielded the ball cleanly, but missed the bag in his haste to record the out, and Morgan scored the game-winner.

Post haste definition